Reduced Fee Schedule Paralegal

Paralegals joining the JusticeNet Program offer their services at reduced fees according to JusticeNet’s reduced fee schedule. JusticeNet’s “Paralegal Fee Schedule” is a sliding scale of reduced fees, ranging from $60 – 100 per hour, depending on a client’s net family income and number of dependants.

The current “Paralegal Fee Schedule” is as follows:

Paralegal Fee Schedule

Net Yearly Family Income Number of Dependants
3+ 2 0-1
Under $39,000 $60 or less $60 or less $60 or less
$39,000 – $45,999 $60 $60 $70
$46,000 – $52,999 $70 $80 $85
$53,000 – $59,000 $80 $90 $100

– Dependant includes any children or adults whom the clients are financially supporting.